My passion for healthcare is founded by the collective-experiences of my extended-families of Healthcare-Professionals alongside whom I traveled the country as they served patients. I found the 'why' behind my existence by vicariously experiencing their satisfaction in treating patients. However, it was their tribulations, upon losing patients due to inherent inefficiencies higher up the healthcare-assembly-line, that built clarity on 'how' I would fulfil that purpose.
As emergency physicians, Dr Hari and I were trained to function optimally at the edge of chaos in the emergency room's high risk and high stakes settings. However, no training could prepare any physician for the challenges presented by the COVID-19 crisis that struck India and the world.
In pursuit of flattening the curve and widening the bottlenecks, I co-founded a pro-Bono Initiative called 'Corona Consult' in 2020 with my colleague Dr. Hari Hara Sudan while pursuing my 1st year of MBA in Business Management at XLRI and serving a day job as a health-tech consultant to make ends meet.. Similarly Dr. Hari was stretched to the bone but made time to serve patients despite shifting to full time research at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center.
While my shift from medicine to management studies was met with a plethora of challenges, seeing my family of healthcare professionals succumb to illness on the frontline in various parts of the country, drove me to dedicate myself to the battle against COVID-19. This drive enabled me to squeeze out 6-8 hours at night amidst a rigorous MBA curriculum at XLRI and demand of the consulting role. Burning the mid night oil not only took a toll on us, but more so on our families, but given a chance; we would do it all over again, only better!
From a team of 2 doctors, the initiative has grown to encompass numerous expert volunteers who contribute on a rotating basis as per their availability. We currently follow a hybrid approach to delivering equitable care globally (1) E2E holistic value-added-care & (2) Delivery (operational) excellence
2 years since its inception and 3 pandemic waves later, the clinical team of Corona Consult, comprising of ~20 doctors, has treated 1,500+ patients in India and the delivery excellence (operations) team comprising of 50+ cross-functional domain experts have impacted 25,000+ lives in emerging world through process and program optimization.