Despite securing merit seats by acing the MD/MS Postgraduate exams in India & despite getting the chance to pursue residency abroad, I left it all pursue to my elusive dream to transform healthcare. I was torn by doubt, fear & insecurity, I was lost, not knowing whether I took a calculated-risk or made a costly-mistake. But the experience taught me two things, first, that things never gets easier, you just get better. Second, that the struggles you face today, develops the strength you'll need tomorrow.

Looking back having reached thus far, I am glad I didn’t allow some of the worst days of my life to define either my caliber or my future. I am genuinely happy that I took the leap of faith. However, I couldn’t have found the clarity & the confidence I have today, if it weren’t for my solid support circle and the mentors I was fortunate to have.e.

So wherever you are in your journey, let my story and my art-work remind you that you are not alone. No matter how hard it is or how hard it gets . . . just keep moving, just hold on to hope . . .

Because life has a way of working out for those who merely continue to persist.

“Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried, what if you have been planted.”

― Christine Caine


 “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward."

- Martin Luther King