Adjudicated as Best Enterprise Intern, India - Johnson & Johnson 2021
I came into Ethicon, Inc. with the opinion that for a medical device company - Its products are its biggest assets. However, I am leaving with the realization that along with its products, its people are its most significant assets. A huge shout out to Seema Gutgutia, Ankita Sanghai ,Shruti Deshpande, Harshidh Savla and every J&J leader who has been instrumental in building this culture that has left us mesmerized.
For the past 2 months, I have interned at Johnson & Johnson, working on the project C-SATS, Inc. - A novel human insight & machine learning-driven continuous learning platform for upskilling in laparoscopic and robotic surgery.
I am thankful to the President's council - Burzin Shahana, Sandeep Makkar, Sonal Jain, Sarthak Ranade, and the final review panel - Ajay Grover, Alok Malshet, Ankita Sanghai , Dakshna Moorthy, Debjani Ghosh, Kulwant Singh , Shruti Deshpande, Dr Smit Shah , Unni Velachery, Dr Vandita Gupta, Vinod Gopal, and Yoo Jin Chey for believing in my dream of a better future for surgeons through structured upskilling.
None of this would be possible without guidance from My mentor, Ajay Grover, who taught me to step back and see the big picture when I was getting lost in the haze of details. My post would be incomplete if I do not thank Aditya Akella, a man of few words but much clarity. Every conversation with him directly contributed to the progress of my project.
The most significant skill I learned during my internship was the art of storytelling which is essential not only for starting, building but also for leading businesses into the Future. And I owe my progress majorly to Dr. Vineet Agrawal - A master storyteller would be an understatement.
Four doctors - Dr. Vivek. S.Iyer, Dr.Vivek Strivastav, @Dr Shastri and Dr Somnath Datta, MD,MBA not only made me feel at home at J&J, but also inspired me through their respective journey in navigating the business side.
I would like to thank @Punnet, Nitin Thakur, Hitesh Chopra, Ginu Panicker, and @vinod kumar johnson for supporting my research endeavor and sharing their insights which helped me shape my final recommendation.
What you essentially see now is the refined version at the end of 2 months of rigorous grind; what you don't see, however, is the countless hours spent by dearest mentors Debjani Ghosh and Dr Smit Shah in refining this determined, and passionate intern. Their patience is boundless, and the care they showed to their interns inspires me to become a better person.
Next come my two seniors from J&J who have stood as unshakeable pillars, unwavering in their support and relentless in their pursuit to ensure I delivered - Shashank Sharma and Dr. Sahil Gupta. What doors that sheer effort alone can't open, were opened by their goodwill.
And finally, I would like to thank Dhruv Kapur for seeing me fit for the summer internship program and giving me a platform to showcase my grit.